Friday, November 19, 2010

Ghana's Budget Statement for 2011- MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS

Ghana's Budget Statement for 2011- MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS

450. Government‟s main objective for communication is to facilitate the development and access to a reliable, cost effective and world-class communication infrastructure and services, driven by appropriate technological innovations accessible to all citizens.
451. The key projects driving the objective include telecom penetration, Mobile Number Portability (MNP), Telecommunication Gateway, National Fibre Backbone and Broadband.

Performance in 2010  Telecom Sector
452. To improve access, the telecom market experienced a growth of 10.8 percent. The total access lines stood at 16,992,460 at the end of August 2010. This represents a penetration rate of 73.8 percent with mobile telephony accounting for 97.97 percent of the total access lines of about 16,651,168. Additionally, fixed access lines also increased from 267,389 in the fourth quarter of 2009 to 351,448 by the end of August 2010 representing about 27.6 percent increase.

Telecommunication Gateway Project
453. The Ministry of Communication through the National Communication Authority (NCA) facilitated the installation of a consolidated national gateway monitoring system to help the sector accelerate the development of mobile telephony throughout Ghana and also create the environment for a competitive terrain to enhance the delivery of affordable ICT services.
National Fibre Backbone and Broadband Project
454. The Ministry supervised the implementation of the 2nd phase of the Fibre Backbone Project and 90 percent of the Kumasi-Techiman-Sunyani and Tamale-Bolga stretches have been completed. Additionally, the Navrongo-Paga path as well as Tumu-Wenchi stretch have also witnessed 90 percent and 50 percent completion rate respectively.

Provision of Universal Access
455. As part of the universal access obligation, the Ministry will continue to support the extension of ICT infrastructure and services to underserved and un-served areas of the country to bridge the digital divide between the urban and rural areas.

Spectrum Monitoring
456. NCA and Bureau of National Communications (BNC) undertook a nationwide exercise to clear all illegal spectrum occupants in the 450MHz band. In furtherance to this, NCA collaborated successfully to migrate BNC from the 800MHz band to 450MHz band to pave way for the rolling out of the sixth mobile network that will operate on the 800MHz band.

Community Information Centres (CICs)
457. Government as part of its commitment to promote all inclusive information and knowledge society to benefit the underserved and un-served areas continued to sustain the construction of CICs in all constituencies and provide infrastructure and equipment support for the completed ones.
Forty-Six existing CICs have been equipped with internet facilities whilst 20 have been provided with equipment.

E-Government Network
458. The Ministry in collaboration with the National Information Technology Agency (NITA) is pursuing the e-Government network infrastructure project aimed at creating a platform for the use of shared services among the MDAs nationwide to facilitate communication within Government. In this regard, 8 communication masts have been constructed to facilitate the deployment of WIMAX and 5 new ones are at various stages of completion.

Deployment of National ICT Standards and Type Approvals
459. In line with the effective implementation of the Electronic Communications Act, Act 775 of 2008, the Ministry through NCA developed 2 regulatory documents namely, the National Specifications and Technical Standards and Equipment Type Approval Guidelines to help prevent the importation of sub-standard ICT equipments and generate employment.

Outlook for 2011
E-Government Platform
460. The Ministry will continue to pursue the implementation of the e-applications (e-government and e-Ghana) to facilitate efficient and effective service delivery to the public in support of the broad goal of transparent and accountable governance.
461. In this regard, the Ministry will continue with the e-government network infrastructure project aimed at creating a platform for the deployment of ICT on a shared government IT architecture and will among other things build
WIMAX last mile access networks to serve government agencies in all the 10 regional capitals. It is also expected that the WIMAX network will connect up to 550 MDA facilities throughout the country and also offer data rates of up to 20 Megabits per second (Mbps).

Deployment of Enterprise Architecture and E-Government Interoperability Framework
462. The Ministry will ensure the effective implementation of the Enterprise Architecture (EA) as well as the e-Government Interoperability Framework by all MDAs to enable them meet the challenges of the digital economy. These documents will guide MDAs in deploying efficient cost-effective and citizen centred IT solutions that optimizes value gained across Government.

Creation of Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)
463. The Ministry will facilitate the establishment of a Network Operation Centre (NOC) where computer servers and routers will be installed to receive reports of computer fraud incidence on a 24/7 basis and also provide remedial actions. This institutional arrangement will be responsible for addressing possible issues such as computer malfunction, cybercrime, and virus attacks among others.

Development of Technology Park
464. The Ministry will promote the development of an ICT Park under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) project to facilitate growth in the technology industry to create the enabling environment for real job creation in the area of ICT and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) business initiatives. The design and construction phase of the project will commence at the Tema multi-purpose industrial park.

Telecom Sector
465. The focus for 2011 will be the expansion of the broad band infrastructure to cover all District Assembly areas to support the deployment of high speed internet to District Assemblies, schools and teacher training colleges, hospitals and police stations.

Mobile Number Portability Solution
466. The Ministry will ensure that the NCA intensifies its policy dialogue with the Telecom Industry players to address challenges associated with implementing Mobile Number Portability (MNP) in a market environment that is moving towards the deployment of next generation and converged networks. MNP will foster customer choice of service and help pro mote effective competition in the telecom industry by enabling subscribers to swish between service providers without cost and inconvenience of changing telephone numbers.

National Digital Migration
467. The Ministry will continue to monitor the national digital broadcasting migration process to ensure the smooth migration process from analogue to digital terrestrial broadcasting in line with international convergence standards.
Monitoring of Telecommunication Gateway Project
468. Government will promote transparency in the communication industry and will not relent on its responsibility to verify the number of international telephone traffic to Ghana for the purpose of enhancing revenue for development. The National Communication Authority will be tasked to exercise utmost vigilance to ensure that Government policy of strictly monitoring the international gateway infrastructure and the contribution of service providers is not undermined through the complacency of some of the operators.

Provision of Universal Access
469. The development of 50 Common Telecom Facilities that will enable telecom operators extend their services to many more communities in addition to the 378 communities under the scheme will be pursued.
470. Further, the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications (GIFEC) will accelerate the implementation of the schools connectivity project. This will enable more schools to be provided with connectivity and ICT equipment to enhance community and distance learning.
471. Madam Speaker, for the implementation of the above activities an amount of GH¢29,547,558.00 has been allocated. Out of this, GH¢6,280,127.00 is GOG and GH¢23,267,431.00 is from Donor.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I wonder what will happen now the budget of Ghana? and suddenly, the government of Ghana in some will not agree with trump, who won the US, considering the fact that How Ghanaian celebrities reacted to Donald Trump's victory - as you can see, not all citizens of Ghana are delighted to win trump's fear and his subsequent actions in foreign policy, do you agree?